
Our Take

2.5 Rating

The Bottom Line: Pellecome’s reputation in the BHRT category is one where they tried to create a new delivery device for pellets that uses a very expensive disposable part versus the traditional trocar delivery method. From a patient standpoint, there’s no difference, so this never really caught on and they have been pivoting their business ever since. Unfortunately, this has resulted in their providers being forced to buy an expensive delivery mechanism which they offset by using cheaply made pellets whose quality is +/- 10% on average. This difference can be seen in their mixed patient reviews.


  • Insertion device that looks slick and is touted as advanced


  • Very costly to both patients and providers
  • Very expensive solution to a problem that doesn’t exist (that slick device that inserts pellets)
  • Inferior pellets from a 503B pharmacy with plus or minus 10% variance – you may only get 90mg vs the 100mg you’re supposed to get

Pellecome News

Pellecome™ LLC To Launch New Hormone Pellet Delivery System At The Aesthetic Show 2018

After years of using a standard trocar and forceps to perform the insertion procedure, it was obvious to me that the procedure had to be improved to make it more accessible to a wider segment of physicians.  I think the system that I have perfected is the best solution for expanding BHRT to the millions of patients that can benefit from this therapy.” – Dr. Enrique G. Jacome

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111 Canfield Ave.
Suite A-7

Randolph, NJ 07869

(888) 786-2680

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Summary on Pellecome: Overview

When exploring your BHRT options, Pellecome® is one option offering bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT.

Board-certified OB-GYN Dr. Enrique G. Jacome founded Pellecome. His expertise comes from not only having his own clinic dedicated to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) but also from personal experience using pellets. In addition, Dr. Jacome has done more than 30,000 pellet implants over the last 20 years. Pellecome is based in Randolph, New Jersey, and has manufacturing sites in multiple locations.

About Pellecome

Dr. Jacome started Pellecome believing there was a better way to provide hormone optimization to patients than what was currently available. He wanted to create an improved way of delivering higher-quality pellets. In addition, he wanted to help other healthcare providers include BHRT options into their practices. 

He based his goal on years of experience. In fact, Dr. Jacome has been specializing in BHRT since 1995. He shifted to natural hormone replacement therapy in 2002 when he focused on natural BHRT options using implanted pellets. These pellet implants, about the size of a grain of rice, are bioidentical to naturally occurring hormones in the body. 

BHRT with Pellecome

Pellecome specializes in pellet therapy. They believe that creams, pills, and patches are unable to deliver a consistent level of hormones that can be naturally released into the body the way that pellets can. In addition, you don’t have to remember to apply a product. Pellets offer steady doses of hormones that mimic the body’s natural hormones. 

BHRT Treatment Options at Pellecome

Pellecome specializes in pellet therapy. Pellecome believes the pellet delivery system is much more consistent and natural than creams, pills, or patches. Pellets are the only form of BHRT that provide consistent blood serum levels. 

In addition to this BHRT option, Pellecome offers several other programs. 

First is BHRT pellet therapy, Re3™ Advanced Pellet Delivery System for Men & Women, as previously mentioned.

Second is Pellecome FIT®. This combines bioidentical hormone replacement therapy with weight loss techniques. These include nutritional support, peptides, and naltrexone. The nutritional support component requires patients to take quite a few dietary supplements in combination with traditional pellet therapy, peptides, and naltrexone.

According to the Pellecome website, “PELLECOME FIT® is a customized medical treatment program based upon an individual’s metabolic and hormonal needs to support optimal health, recovery, and maximize The Power to Perform®. The goal is to optimize the health and performance of each individual based upon their specific needs in either recovery or enhancement.”

Third, Pellecome offers rapid COVID-19 testing called Clungene COVID-19 IgM/IgG Rapid Test Cassette. However, there is not much information on their website on this offering.

And finally, Pellecome offers a Livzon IFU COVID-19 test, but again, there is little to no information on this test. 

    What Makes BHRT at Pellecome Different

    Pellecome’s pellet insertion system is patented. It is called Re3™ Advanced Pellet Delivery System for Men and Women along with the Re3™ Advanced Pellet Formulations. R3 stands for Restore, Regenerate, Renew®. A specialty pharmaceutical company co-created these formulations, and Pellecome offers them to their practitioners. The manufacturing process provides consistent and controlled hormone absorption. 

    According to the Pellecome website, “Pellecome Re3™ Advanced Pellet Formulations are manufactured in compliance with FDA requirements for potency, quality, and sterility according to regulations established for 503B Outsourcing Facilities to help ensure the safety and efficacy of hormone pellets.”


    Pellecome Website