Hormone Therapy Centers of America

Our Take

3.0 Rating

The Bottom Line: HTCA is a relative newcomer to the BHRT world, which explains why you can’t find many reviews positive or negative, nor news and information about them. They have a very small footprint, mainly focused in the Dallas, Texas area as well.  They are an okay option if you can’t find an alternative.


  • Very personable and knowledgeable about BHRT
  • Quick to respond


  • Very small company; more of a local solution in the Dallas area
  • Nothing to differentiate them from any other providers

Hormone Therapy Centers of America News

5345 Towne Square Dr.
Suite 165
Plano, Texas 75024

For Patients: (855) 939-4822
For Doctors: (855) 594-3005
Corp. Office: (855) 907-4822

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Summary on HTCA: Overview

Founded in 2014, Hormone Therapy Centers of America’s headquarters are in Plano, Texas. Here we will explore what bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT, with HTCA looks like.

About Hormone Therapy Centers of America

If you are thinking about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, you might consider BHRT with HTCA. BHRT offers a more natural approach to hormone therapy. HTCA focuses on bioidentical hormones whose molecular structure is identical to naturally occurring hormones. HTCA offers BHRT using HTCA’s Pellet Therapy.

Compounding pharmacies create pellets for HTCA in customized dosages for each patient’s needs. These specialty pharmacies HTCA works with use plant compounds extracted from yams and a small amount soy to make the pellets. These natural ingredients molecularly mimic the body’s natural hormones at peak levels.


Initially, HTCA providers run blood tests to measure total estradiol or testosterone. The results show deficiencies or excesses of estrogen or testosterone. In addition, the lab work results monitor the effects of BHRT on the patient. 

As mentioned above, BHRT is made with natural ingredients. Alternatively, Premarin, a form of estrogen made from horse urine, can be dangerous particularly since it can’t be measured by lab tests. On that same note, injectable testosterone uses synthetic ingredients.

To clarify, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be delivered in many methods, including creams, patches, pellets, and more. However, HTCA says that data shows people absorb and use hormones most efficiently through pellet therapy. In fact, men and women can both reap the benefits of pellet therapy, such as increased energy, better sleep, mental clarity, enhanced sexual libido, and more.

Treatment Options at HTCA

Hormone Therapy Centers of America focuses solely on pellet therapy, which can be configured to deliver testosterone or estrogen. HTCA providers perform BHRT pellet therapy in their offices. First, the provider applies a numbing spray. Then, he/she injects a local anesthetic at the insertion site. Next, your provider makes a small incision and inserts the pellets – which are about the size of a grain of rice – into the fatty layer just beneath the skin. Altogether, the whole procedure only takes a few minutes.

What Makes BHRT with HTCA Different

Compared to other BHRT options, Hormone Therapy Centers of America do not seem to have any differentiators that set them apart. But HTCA does offer a wellness quiz on their website to help determine if BHRT is right for you.